Past Life Regression Class March 5th

Who were you in your other lives? How are those lives affecting your current life? Why do randomly like some things and dislike other things? What paths have you walked that have led you to where you are right now in your Spiritual development?

These are all important questions, and Kristina can show you how to get the answers! In just a few short hours you can learn techniques that will help you connect to your “other selves” to discover meaningful information which will help you understand why you make some of the decisions that you make.

Having this information can offer insight into patterns that keep repeating in your life, and why you are so drawn to certain people and types of relationships. Armed with this new insight, you will be empowered to change life long patterns and move forward with more clarity in creating your life the way you want it to be.

Sunday March 5th, 1:00PM – 4:00PM

Class size is limited to 6 due to limited seating space. Please call or text 414-803-2759 to reserve your spot. $30 investment per person.

Universal Awareness Center, N91W17194 Appleton Ave. Suite 106B, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

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