Universal Awareness Center
N91 W17194 Appleton Ave, Suite 106B Menomonee Falls, WI
7 – 9 PM
Wednesday, October 18th
So what’s up with auras? Some people easily see them. Some easily project them. Everyone has them. Have you every thought it would be helpful to be able to see people’s auras? Come on down to UAF and learn how to read, and interpret, what you see in people’s auras!
Have you been working with Spiritual Energy for a while now and know that there is more that you can do with it, but are tired of beginning classes? Here is your solution!
Whether you’re a student or teacher, or both, of Energy this class is right up your alley! Kristina is offering a safe space to learn and practice energy management and manipulation techniques to help you enhance your daily life and, if you are a teacher, your business! Connect more deeply with other people, with your Spirit Guides and your Higher Self to experience and achieve more than you every imagined!
If you are Spiritual or Metaphysical teacher you will learn ways to help your students have more profound experiences when working with you!